

Thursday, March 15, 2012

What's the Best Linux Server for You?

When it comes to clothes, I'm a normal guy. I just want to walk into a store, grab something that fits, buy it (What, try it on? Are you kidding!?), and head home. Well, that's what I want to do. I've learned over the years that just because something should fit doesn't mean that it will fit. It's the same with Linux servers. Sure, they're all built on the same code base and can run the same applications, but one may fit you perfectly while another may make you look like a clown.

So, how can you tell which is which? Well, let's start with that basic question you should bring to any computing decision: "What is it that you really want to do?"

Corporate Business Use

  • RedHat

  • Debian

Small Business Use


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