

Monday, February 13, 2012

Slackware 13.37 is released

It's true! Slackware 13.37 has been released. Nearly a year in the making, you will appreciate the performance and stability that can only come with careful and rigorous testing. Slackware 13.37 uses the Linux kernel (hence our new $SLACKWARE_VERSION.$KERNEL_VERSION naming system used for this release ;-), and also ships with kernels for those who want to run the latest (and also includes configuration files for and 2.6.39-rc4). The long-awaited Firefox 4.0 web browser is included, the X Window System has been upgraded (and includes the open source nouveau driver for nVidia cards). The venerable Slackware installer has been improved as well, with support for installing to btrfs (for those who would like to try a new copy on write filesystem), a one-package-per-line display mode option, and alienBOB's big surprise: an easy to set up PXE install server that runs right off the DVD!

That's right, another stable release of Slackware is finally ready to go. Slackware 13.1 is available in both 32-bit x86 and 64-bit x86_64 editions, and brings with it many major improvements, like KDE SC version 4.4.3, the Linux kernel, a new toolchain, updated libraries, and major applications such as Firefox and Thunderbird. 

Slackware for ARM

Slackware has a new official port for the ARM architecture, by the name of ARMedslack, which has recently released the port of Slackware version 12.2.
ARMedslack began in 2002 by Stuart Winter, with the primary goal of providing a full Slackware port for ARM desktop machines - initially targeting the Acorn StrongARM RiscPC, and later embedded devices.
Slackware ARM now supports native installation using the regular Slackware installer on the ARM Versatile board (via the QEMU emulator) and the recently announced embedded device: the Marvell SheevaPlug

Slackware ARM version 12.2 is built for armv4, little endian, "legacy" ABI. A new port to the EABI is already underway and expected to be available in "-current" form within a few months.

Browsers in linux

The first thing that people think about when they hear the word Internet is “surfing the net”. Or looking at websites using a web browser. This is probably by far the most popular use of the Internet for the average user.
Slackware provides popular graphical web browsers in the “XAP” series, as well as text mode browsers in the “N” series. We'll take a quick look at some of the most common options below.
lynx is a text-based web browser. It is a very quick way of looking up something on the Internet. Sometimes graphics just get in the way if you know exactly what you're after.
To start lynx, just type lynx at the prompt:
% lynx
Figure Lynx default start page

You may want to specify a site for lynx to open to:
lynx prints the command keys and what they do at the bottom of the screen. The up and down arrow keys move around the document, Enter selects the highlighted link, and the left arrow goes back to the previous page. Typing d will download the currently selected file. The g command brings up the Go prompt, where you can give lynx a URL to open.
There are many other commands in lynx. You can either consult the man page, or type h to get the help screen for more information.
Just like lynx, links is a textmode web browser, where you do all the navigation using the keyboard. However, when you press the Esc key, it will activate a very convenient pulldown menu on the top of the screen. This makes it very easy to use, without having to learn all the keyboard shortcuts. People who do not use a text browser every day will appreciate this feature.
links seems to have better support for both frames and tables, when compared to lynx.
Figure Links, with the file menu open

wget is a command line utility that will download files from a specified URL. While not an actual web-browser, wget is used primarily to grab whole or partial web sites for offline viewing, or for fast download of single files from HTTP or FTP servers instead. The basic syntax is:
% wget <url>
You can also pass options. For example, this will download the Slackware web site:
% wget --recursive http://www.slackware.com
wget will create a www.slackware.com directory and store the files in there, just as the site does.
wget can also download files from FTP sites; just specify an FTP URL instead of an HTTP one.
% wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/wget/wget-1.8.2.tar.gz
--12:18:16--  ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/wget/wget-1.8.2.tar.gz
           => `wget-1.8.2.tar.gz'
Resolving ftp.gnu.org... done.
Connecting to ftp.gnu.org[]:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done.   ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done. ==> CWD /gnu/wget ... done.
==> PORT ... done.   ==> RETR wget-1.8.2.tar.gz ... done.
Length: 1,154,648 (unauthoritative)

100%[==================================>] 1,154,648     209.55K/s    ETA 00:00

12:18:23 (209.55KB/s) - `wget-1.8.2.tar.gz' saved [1154648]

wget has many more options, which make it nice for site specific scripts (web site mirroring and so forth). The man page should be consulted for more information.

List of graphical browsers

